Dear Friend, 

Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus!

The five-fold ministry gifts are not the only ones anointed of God!

It is crucial that all Christians become scripturally knowledgeable about the authority we've been given through Christ so we can function in excellence as His ambassadors on earth. We don't have to accept emotions of feeling weak and defeated or draw back from life's challenges. We were created in God's image to rule (exercise dominion; take leadership) and reign on this earth so that we can usher God's divine will into a dying, broken world (Genesis 1:26; Luke 10:19; Ephesians 1:22-23). We have the spiritual capacity to endure and experience victory over all life's tests and trials (James 1:12). As God's blood bought children, we are ANOINTED and POWERFUL!

The moment that we heard the Gospel preached and believed in our hearts and confessed Jesus as our Lord, the Holy Spirit took us out of the world and baptized us into the Body of Christ and we were "anointed" of God (2 Corinthians 1:21), and thus, became the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). To be "anointed" means that you are set apart and sanctified for a priestly purpose through being purified by the blood of Christ. Because Jesus laid down His life at Calvary, we are made holy by His grace in our inner man-the inside of us. However, we have a responsibility to renew our minds through the Word of God and recoil from sin in thought and deed (Romans 12:1-2).

God warned Cain to exercise dominion over his sinful anger (Genesis 4:7) and yet, Cain didn't possess a regenerated spirit like we have as Born Again Believers -yet God still deemed Cain CAPABLE of controlling his own sinful temptations! How much more should we, who have the Spirit of God living inside of us, rule, and reign over sin (Romans 6:12-23)?

We need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to become powerful witnesses so that we can share the Gospel with others in the fullness of God's grace and power (Acts 1:8). It's important that you know the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not the same as the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Though the Holy Spirit indwells inside every Believer, it is not automatic that we receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a special gift that is available to every person after they have become born of God's Spirit (Luke 11:13).
If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues, and you desire to have a minister pray with you to receive your heavenly language, I invite you to call our church office at 323-758-3777 Ext. 4219. One of my pastoral assistants will be honored to pray with you to receive this divine gift that will change your life!

I taught two series on the Believer's anointing and the Believer's power to help you, so that you will be challenged to live out the authority you have in Christ. I offer to you my teachings, "The Believer's Anointing" and "The Believer's Power" to equip you with further teaching on subjects such as the anointing oil, being anointed by the elders of the church, what the Bible means by "we are a royal priesthood," and what the teacher's role is in the Body of Christ.

But please, do not stop there. I also offer to you my father's book, "The Holy Spirit: The Missing Ingredient". This is Apostle Price's personal account of his pursuit and infilling of the Holy Spirit, which was the key ingredient not only to his personal growth, but the incredible growth of the ministry of Crenshaw Christian Center.

All three of these spiritual enrichment tools are yours for your love gift in support of Ever Increasing Faith Ministries.

My friend, remember that this is an exciting time to be a Believer in the Body of Christ. Understand that you are anointed and appointed for a time such as this. I appreciate the opportunity to sow these words of wisdom into your life. Take them and run with them so that you will be an effective witness for Christ.

God's richest and best be yours as you seek Him first.

In the service of the King,
Pastor Fred Price, Jr.

P.S. The Scriptures teach that God will rebuke the devourer on our behalf as we sow into the work of the Kingdom. Giving out of love, appreciation, and a joyful heart moves the hand of Our Heavenly Father. I thank you in advance for your gift of love, and I am in agreement with you for the manifold return on your giving into Ever Increasing Faith Ministries.
The Holy Spirit: The Missing Ingredient
by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
The Believer's Power
by Dr. Frederick K. Price on CD,
The Believer's Anointing
by Dr. Frederick K. Price on CD
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