Dear Friend,

Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus!

As I write about the beauty of God’s original design for the family, my heart grieves over the demonic attacks on Christian families.

The once common “happily married” Christian couples raising children are no longer the norm in the Body of Christ.

The devil’s strategy of causing division and confusion is evident in the destruction of the family, which is the cornerstone of physical, mental, and spiritual security.

Reportedly, in the 1970s, 40% of families were nuclear (married with children). Today, that number has dropped to just 18%, and 40% of babies are born out of wedlock. In light of these statistics, I firmly believe the church must support single mothers and fathers, assuring them that with God, they can raise successful children to His glory.

Given the urgent need for solutions to the issues of diminishing Christian families, I want to offer you the iconic teachings of my father, Apostle Frederick K.C. Price, on the “Christian Family.”

Over the decades, we have received countless testimonies from couples who avoided divorce and went on to experience marital happiness. We also received reports from parents who stated their son’s and daughter’s lives were transformed by the teachings on biblical parenting.

Many of these children have grown into adults of excellent Christian character, excelling in all they pursue, and they boldly share their faith.

My father’s teachings on creating a successful Christian family life are timeless. His series includes the duties of wives, husbands, and children; addresses second marriages and blended families, and discusses biblical perspectives on sexual relations between a husband and wife. As a pastor, my father saw the need to “sound the alarm” on these issues to help his congregation experience victorious, joyful lives — as they purposed to humble themselves under God, and become transformed by reading, studying, and HEARING the Word of God and then putting it into action.

The Word of God offers universal solutions for all of life’s issues, and my father’s teachings are a testament to this truth. I invite you to delve into these teachings and experience the miraculous changes they can bring to your family — by turning division to unity, and heartache into joy.

These timeless teachings are yours for your generous love gift in support of the ongoing mission of Ever Increasing Faith Ministries, to proclaim the uncompromising and never changing Word of God to a world in need. Please take advantage of these teachings to strengthen the family unit not just for yourself, but also a friend or family member in need of godly wisdom in this area. Remember, God’s richest and best will be yours as you seek HIM first.

In the Service of the King,
Dr. Frederick K. Price

PS: Never has there been a time in human history where the state of the family is in such urgent need as the time we are living in today. The Believer must embrace the full council of God if he and his family will live an overcoming Christian life in the face of the enemy’s devices. Please be sure to sow your gift of love and be a blessing to someone today.
Marriage and Divorce MP3
by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
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