Dear Friend,

Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus!

With Mother's Day approaching, I want to acknowledge and honor every mother reading this letter! In addition, I salute all women who have nurtured, mentored, and served God's people. Please know you are greatly loved and appreciated by God and this ministry, whether you are a biological mother or a spiritual mother (Matthew 25:40 and 1 Corinthians 15:58). And to my lovely bride and mother of our three children, Lady Angel Price, I love you with my life. There is no one else on earth I'd rather do life with.

Now, I want to focus on one specific mother, who, in my opinion, exemplifies the epitome of a modern-day "Proverbs 31 woman." Her name is Dr. Betty Ruth Price. She is my mother, making me the most blessed son alive today, but this letter isn’t about Dr. Betty or me. You see, I can think of no greater example than my mother to refer to as an example of having true Christian character and one who demonstrates the "God kind of faith." An old saying goes something like this: "There is a special anointing for operating in the gifts of the Spirit. However, there is no special anointing for Godly character." My mother exudes both—Godly character and even operates in the gifts of the Spirit, though she is humble about it and never boasts.

Growing up as a child of Dr. Betty, I can attest that she was determined that my siblings and I would love each other. She planted the “love of family” in all her children. Dr. Betty did not tolerate strife between family members. As a Pastor, let me remind you that unity, security, and love begin at home. My mama was sweet yet tough. As a result, we all love each other and look out for one another because my mother commanded the highest standard of family unity. Family love and unity were so ingrained in me that, as a young boy, I was concerned whenever I received a gift because I wanted my sisters to receive gifts as well, even though it was my turn to be blessed.

You would think that since I was the youngest, I was spared the same discipline that my older sisters experienced, but I can assure you, that was not the case! I’m so grateful that my mother and father did not compromise on parental discipline because it made me the man and minister I am today.

My mother was adamant about teaching me scriptures at an early age, daily, which I actually enjoyed. I learned the manifold value of scripture and experienced that the Word of God was alive and powerful. I realized that God saw everything I did and didn’t do, yet His invitation to come to His “throne of grace” was always available to me (Hebrews 4:12-16). Thanks to Dr. Betty, I knew early on the power of God, the fear of God, and the eternal love of God.
I was taught to refer to God’s Word for the answers to all of life’s issues. Dr. Betty always led family, parishioners, and other ministers to specific scriptures to solve their problems. Like my mother, I am a stickler who searches the scriptures for the answers to life’s issues. That is how I lead this ministry, my family, and anyone I counsel—I go to the Bible. It’s my greatest privilege and joy to witness that others who receive God’s Word experience victory over trauma, poverty, addictions, sickness, guilt, and shame.

Before closing this letter, I want to list a few additional remarkable facts about Dr. Betty that I experienced as her son:

  • Dr. Betty loves to give and is the most generous person I know, even to what others may deem generous to a fault.
  • My mom immensely respected and loved my father, Apostle Frederick K. C. Price. They were truly one, and they enjoyed their marriage to the max.
  • Dr. Betty has taught the Word of God and ministered to women throughout the U.S., Africa, and abroad, even though she is quiet and private by nature and was once petrified to speak in front of people.
  • Dr. Betty never compromised her faith in God's healing power to manifest through her own trial of cancer. Even in undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, due to an inoperable tumor as a result of contracting Histiocytic Lymphoma, she consistently confessed healing scriptures and prayed for others in the midst of her own physical pain.
  • My mom always thinks the best of everyone and is forgiving and full of grace and mercy. She created a home life for her family that was always joyful, nurturing, and full of love.
  • We all had wonderful childhoods (and meals! Dr. Betty is a gifted cook and baker).
It would take a book to continue the above list of attributes and lessons I learned from Dr. Betty. This is why I am thrilled to announce that a stunning new biography of Dr. Betty is now available! I would love for all Christians to read this book and those still searching for God. It is yours with a love gift of any amount in support of Ever Increasing Faith Ministries.

Remember, God's richest and best will be yours as you seek Him first.

In the Service of the King,
Dr. Frederick K. Price

PS: You will be amazed at what my mother has endured and conquered through faith. There are many stories (and some quite amusing!) in this biography that Dr. Betty has never shared before. Dr. Betty was very transparent in sharing her victories, struggles, observations, wisdom, and experience in living a Christian life that is pleasing to God. Please do not hesitate to preorder a copy of her biography for a love gift of any amount to receive wisdom from one who still serves the Lord at 90 years young.
A Victorious Life of Faith and Love:
The Betty R. Price Story
by Flo S. Jenkins 1127
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