Dear Friend, 

Considering the fact that the world has been undergoing a global pandemic since 2019 and our current state, I would say that we who remain have a lot to be thankful for. Most of us have personal experience knowing someone who contracted Covid in the past few years. In its early days, there was no vaccination available and people suffered and died unnecessarily, including our beloved Apostle Frederick K. C. Price.

We can thank Our Heavenly Father for His mercy in allowing us to in addition to His word, have treatments to mitigate the effects of Covid so we can return to a semblance of normalcy. It’s not over, but we’re in a better place now than we were before. For that, we give thanks. I give thanks to my Heavenly Father for waking me up each day. So many awake in Heaven, not knowing that yesterday was their last day on earth.

I thank my Heavenly Father for my ability to live in divine health and to be healed if I get symptoms in my body. I thank God for my family, whom I love more than life itself: my wife Angel, our children, Frederick, Gabriel, and Bella: my extended family, my mom, Dr. Betty, My sister and brother-in-law Angela and (Uncle) Michael and their family; my sisters Cheryl and Stephanie and their families. I am so blessed and so thankful. Do you have anything to be grateful for? You’ve got to, God is nothing but good to us.

We could’ve died in our sinful nature which we inherited from Adam, but God didn’t create mankind to live in sin. Therefore He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to redeem mankind and give us a pathway to fellowship with Our Heavenly Father. All we have to do is accept what Jesus did for us and we’re in. For that, we should be extremely thankful.
No matter what the world throws at us and the trials and tribulations we face, on a daily basis, if we stop and think about it, we have much to be thankful for. Don’t get so tied up in minutia that you miss the big picture.

Listening to those who’ve lost everything in natural disasters, fires, floods, hurricanes, etc., say they’re thankful they still have their lives and families . . . that’s what matters. We can always get more things.

At the opening of each Ever Increasing Faith broadcast I always say, "… My Father would take the opportunity to thank the audience for their past, present, or whatever future support they are led to give. Remember you are helping to make it happen!"  My thanksgiving isn’t a meaningless act. I am giving thanks for what I am trusting or expecting our Heavenly Father to do. I am simply doing what Ephesians 5:20 encourages:

"Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." 

The Biblical meaning of the word “thanksgiving” is something someone “is.” A life of thanksgiving is a daily expression of gratitude and an acknowledgment of benefits or favors you have received or hope to receive by faith.

To celebrate this anniversary, I would like to send you my message, Thanksgiving: What’s It All About?

Words can’t express how much my wife and I appreciate your prayer and financial support!! You have enriched our lives and we are truly honored. Because of you, our legacy continues!

In the Service of the King,
Pastor Fred Price, Jr.

P.S. God’s plan for you is for you to be in health even as your soul prospers! The housing market may fail, the economy may spiral up by inflation and countries may be at war, but when God is your Source, NONE will come near you according to Psalms 91:07.

Grow your harvest by planting a love gift this month! Our Heavenly Father loves a cheerful giver, so give with a heart of thanksgiving and watch for the blessings to return to you!!!
Thanksgiving: What's It All About? DVD
by Pastor Fred K. Price
Thanksgiving: What's It All About? CD
by Pastor Fred K. Price
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