Dear Friend, 

When we hear the term “preparedness,” our minds immediately go to being prepared for a disaster.  It is true that we have a habit of not being prepared for such until the last minute or after it is too late.  But preparedness can cover a multitude of things such as spiritual preparedness, physical preparedness, mental preparedness and yes, disaster preparedness.

Think about it, if you are unprepared in any of the areas mentioned above, you and your family are in trouble.  A disaster can wipe you out, but so can not being spiritually prepared and consequently having to live a life in pain and suffering - because you haven’t found out your rights as a child of God to live in divine health or to be healed.

Academic study cannot prepare one to understand the Bible; it must be spiritually discerned.  First Peter 3:4 talks about "the hidden person of the heart.”  Romans 10:10 says, “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness . . .”

Natural, physical well-being is as important as stocking up on essentials in case of a natural disaster.  We tend to not think about our physical bodies until we reach a certain age, usually after we’ve developed an issue in our bodies that needs medical attention or we implement a stringent diet and exercise program.  How can we be prepared for the issues of life if we’ve deteriorated our bodies?  WWJD, what would Jesus do; rather, what would Jesus say?  He has already said in His word:

3 John 2: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Mental preparedness is also very important.  This is a hush, hush topic for some.  We do not like to talk about the possibility that there are things happening with our mental health that need attention.  Left unchecked or being unprepared, you could experience severe mental health challenges, especially later in life with the possible onset of dementia or worse, Alzheimer’s.  What do we do?

2 Timothy 2:15: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Dr. Dean Sherzai, of Loma Linda University, who specializes in Alzheimer’s, said that diet is a major contributor to this deadly disease.  He reports that sugar to the human body is like “crack cocaine on the brain” and encourages that you significantly reduce your overall intake of sugar as you age.  Dr. Sherzai has authored a book called, The Neuro Plan, which speaks of prevention through lifestyle.  His book provides us with proof that we can do something about our mental health.
Do all you can in the natural.  Use the brain God gave you to keep yourselves healthy, mentally and physically.  Follow the tried-and-true methods that have worked for generations: diet, exercise, brain exercises, reading and studying the natural, human wisdom about your circumstances and follow what makes the most sense to you - but do something.  Do not be a victim, waiting on Satan to catch you when you’re depressed, overweight and out of shape and not sufficiently prepared for the eventual disaster.

Maybe you need to move to a less disaster-prone area.  I know you want to be near friends, family and the grandkids, but is it the smartest thing to do?  You are the person charged with your overall health and well-being.  Do all in your power to affect a good outcome for yourselves.  Remember, the so-called experts you encounter through life are only there to advise you.  Ultimately, it’s your decision as to how to be prepared in every aspect of life.  You can do it.  Remember:

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The calling that has been placed on our ministry is to bring these vital truths, not just into your life, but to the entire world.  Your financial support makes it possible for Ever Increasing Faith Ministries to use television, the Internet, cable, satellite and powerful resources to reach around the globe.  This is the message Our Heavenly Father has for our world today, and I’m asking you to sow a generous love gift in faith to help us get that message to as many people as we possibly can.

When you send your love gift of any amount today, I will send you teachings from myself and my dad that will truly minister and encourage spiritual preparation for both yourself and your family in the evil day.

My wife and I are deeply grateful for your generous support of the work to which God has called us.  After so many years, we have  learned how valuable faithful friends like you are and I want you to know that your support is very much appreciated.  We are looking forward to hearing from you very soon.

In the Service of the King,
Pastor Fred Price, Jr.

PS: To help us minister to you more effectively, please take a moment to let us know in what area your greatest current prayer need is: health, relationships, finances, ministry, or other. We want to be sure our teaching is focused and applicable to your needs. Please expect God to provide a generous harvest in your life when you send your love gift today.
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