With her real, riveting, and refreshing style, Minister Mignonette Bailey energized and encouraged those gathered at Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) on Sunday, April 2, to make an investment in God’s economy.

The Los Angeles native who was born, baptized, and accepted Christ at CCC, spoke about God’s economic system where the supply is unlimited. She challenged those gathered to trust God and strengthen their position in the spiritual stock market.

“Let’s not get comfortable in the world system,” said the dynamic daughter of the church. “Can we stretch our faith a little further?” she asked those in attendance.

“The word of God says He is bringing forth water in the desert,” said Minister Bailey. “It doesn’t have to be logical; it doesn’t have to add up. The economy of heaven is higher than this economy we live in,” she said.

Minister Bailey brought home a heart-felt message punctuated by tears and applause. With her self-effacing demeanor and call and response style, she delivered a bible-based message that evoked shouts of praise and support for both the message and the messenger.

“This ministry birthed me, raised me and trained me,” she said dabbing the tears streaming from her eyes, then shouting out her love for the late Apostle Price, the Price family, staff and members of the church she grew up in.

“The way we pledge our allegiance to God is that every time we give, we say ‘God, I trust you,’” she continued, urging those listening to the service online and in the sanctuary to repeat her words.

“Through dry seasons, through rainy seasons you have to trust God. God knows how to get you what you need,” she told churchgoers.

In her love-filled lesson on the economics of the Kingdom of God, Minister Bailey broke it down for believers.

“A supply zone in the stock market is a place where investors are waiting to take profit,” she explained. “If the law of supply in the Kingdom of God is where we give and trust God, then the supply zone is also where we can tap into the fruit of our giving,” she said.

“The only people who can take advantage of this zone are those who are in a position…those who have invested in that stock,” she elaborated. “Are we building up our heavenly accounts?” she challenged the congregation. “For some of you, it is a skill you need to sharpen…the Lord is like ‘go back and take a class,’” she laughed.

“You are going to have to do something with what God has already given you,” the vivacious minister continued. “You are going to have to take this plant,” she said holding up a small potted plant, “and feed, fertilize, and keep the bugs off of it.”

Making an investment in God’s economy requires work, faith and trust, Minister Bailey emphasized in her characteristic candid and caring manner.

“God will supply our needs not according to the American dollar, the stock market, but according to His economy, His riches, His glory, by Christ Jesus,” she said. “We tap into His supply by participating in the law of sowing and reaping. God is a giver.”

“You wouldn’t think of not paying your utility bill even though they will shut off your lights just like that. No loyalty. No remorse,” she said. “But, when it comes to giving, we are like Lord, let’s negotiate,” she continued. “The question is, when are you going to pass the test?’’ she asked.

“When are you going to get to the place where God is your only supply?” said Minister Bailey. “I’m not telling you to quit your job or be reckless and foolish. What I am saying is to start trusting God.”

View this message via faithdome.org or on the Ever Increasing Faith Ministry YouTube channel.