Dear Friend:

Over these past 40 years, we have received hundreds of calls, letters and emails from people asking us to pray with them about their financial needs. I am writing you today to encourage and strengthen you in your faith. I have seen Our Heavenly Father do the impossible over and over again. He is truly a God of miracles . . . and He DOES meet the needs of His children.

If we do not keep our focus on Our Heavenly Father, we will be discouraged and sink the same way that Peter did when he was walking on the water. The moment he took his eyes off Jesus, he started going under.

That’s what walking by faith, not by sight is about. We must trust God even when we don’t see the answers because He is always faithful. I’ve seen His goodness demonstrated repeatedly in my personal life and in my ministry!

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
(2 Corinthians 5:7)

I am so grateful that Our Heavenly Father is no respecter of persons. Each and every one of His children have full access to all of His power and resources, the same as the most renowned pastors and leaders do.

So, I am writing you today to give you an update. Even as you are reading this letter, our 2017 Annual Fund Campaign is under way to help us retire some past debt for TV airtime and general Ever Increasing Faith operations. This year our goal is to raise $250,000 and we need your financial support. Regardless of the size, your gift will make a big difference.

I am encouraging you to get involved as never before. No amount is too small to make a difference. Imagine how many lives will be changed when every person on our mailing list sows a love gift. Don’t let the size of your gift stop you from giving with cheerfulness and thanksgiving today.

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.”
(I Corinth. 9:7)

Will you invest $1,000, $100, $50 or $5 into the work of this ministry? Every gift makes an eternal impact. In addition, I want to invite you into our committed group of monthly supporters. Please join these faithful members who help us on a consistent basis to transform lives around the world through their regular gifts.

Your generous gift today will help us finish this vital project and continue to teach people around the world to have faith in God.

Betty and I appreciate you so much. Your prayers and financial support of this ministry are truly a blessing to us. Our prayer is that God will bless you and meet your needs with a rich harvest in response to the faith you have demonstrated through your willingness to sow into His great work.

In the Service of the King,

Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

PS: You may never leave your home, but you are bringing the Gospel to many parts of the world electronically. That’s why your gift to the Annual Fund is especially important to us during the summer months. Betty and I want to thank you again for your generosity as we prepare to labor together for a great harvest of souls.